If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character... Would you slow down? Or speed up?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

My name is Hannah Marie Rohan. I am 20 years young, wife to an amazing man and mother to a gorgeous little boy. I am a paralegal at Lexington Law Firm where I love my job but I hate my hours. I am living life to the fullest every day and I am excited to see where this adventure takes me.  This is the most recent picture I have of myself… I tend to be behind the camera so I don’t get caught a lot. But this is all my family minus my 2 brothers-in-law.
This next part is going to be hard, I don't find things about myself interesting. I just see them as being part of me and I do not tend to be an interesting person.
15 interesting facts about myself:
  1. I am the youngest of 3 girls by 17 and 14 years
  2. I am the tallest girl in my family (I am slouching in the picture and heels take away my advantage)
  3. I love photography
  4. I suffer from insomnia
  5. If I could live anywhere it would be Seattle, WA or Clearlake, CA
  6. I used to have a dog that was 1 year older than me that passed away when I was 17
  7. I am a natural red head, though some would beg to differ that I am a natural blonde because of my actions :)
  8. I squeak when I laugh
  9. I broke both my elbows at the same time
  10. I have a very hard time holding a grudge against someone
  11. I got married, graduated high school, turned 18 and had my first child in that order and all in 6 months.
  12. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up
  13. I feel like running away some days and then I look at my son and remember why I am here
  14. I often wonder why I am so blessed after living a less than acceptable life
  15. I pray to God every day

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